Friday, June 11, 2010

Reminder for modeling

Hey guys!

I've seem to noticed that the modeling for the Male Character and Clover size are too big for our scene. Before this we had agreed to follow the female character size so please double check on your character / props size. Use the Female character as a guide please.

For male character, your character size could be scaled down to 0.2 . As for the clover, Bo, you need to fix the rigging for it because now it's hard to animate when the joints and clover are not bind together. Even if it's binded you need to do some paint weight for it. Try getting this done by this weekend please so those who have scenes with the clover could do it without any problems. And again, please check the size of the clover and ring as well.

Make sure the ring could fit into the female character's finger.

Remember, we set a deadline for our animation blocking. 21st June.
No excuses unless you're seriously sick until want to faint.

The person who can't complete their animation blocking by the 21st will have to buy one of the team member who has completed their work a large hot chocolate drink. :)


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